Having your pet’s medical records is very important. Just like with humans these records give your medical provider important information. Your vet needs to know what vaccines or treatments your pet has received as well as prescriptions and any emergency treatments.
As your pet’s parent it’s essential you have these records on hand.

What Are Pet Records?
Pet records are information about your pet that the vet can use to evaluate their health and make a treatment plan. They contain:
- Basic data such as breed, weight, and age.
- Vaccination records
- Any medications or supplements your pet takes
- Surgeries
- Emergency treatment
- Laboratory reports
- Flea, tick, and heartworm prevention
- Observations on overall health
Should I Keep My Pets Vet Records?
Yes, it’s very important to keep your pet’s veterinarian records. This is especially important if you change veterinarians. Your new veterinarian needs precise information about your animal’s past health.
We can never plan for an emergency. However, your veterinarian may be taking a day off or on vacation, and your dog becomes very ill. A trip to the emergency clinic is necessary.
The emergency vet needs to know the dog’s health history in order to give them appropriate medical care. When you follow up with your regular vet, they will want to know what course of action the emergency vet followed.
This is not something you keep in your head!
Keeping Your Own Records
Your veterinarian will keep a medical record of your pet in their office. You can keep your own records as well. A nice book like the Health and Wellness Logbook will allow you to record and organize everything you need to know (and remember) about your pet.

Paw Print
Paw Print is an app that you can download to your phone. It keeps medical records from your vet, gives you reminders, and keeps track of medical records. This is especially great if you travel or need proof of vaccinations for your groomer.
Are Vet Records Confidential?
Yes, medical records for your pet are confidential. Animal health information is protected by law.
The American Veterinarian Medical Association states in Kentucky “A veterinarian may not release information concerning a client or care of a client’s animal, except on the veterinarian’s receipt of a written authorization or another form of waiver executed by the client or an appropriate court order or subpoena”.
So you must sign off for the vets from different practices to share this important information.
How Do I Transfer My Pets Vet Records?
If you receive a new pet from a shelter or a breeder you will need to have the medical records sent to your personal vet for their files.
It’s common for one vet’s office to email records to another vet’s office. In addition, the pet owner may request a copy of the records and hand-deliver them to the new vet.
Take Away
Keeping good records for your pet is important. At Licking Valley Vet we ask all new clients to bring in their animal’s prior records. You can schedule an appointment or ask questions by calling 859-472-4141